Markham Baptist Church

What Would Our Lives Be Like …

posted Jun 13, 2017

What would our lives be like if God were not Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

If you’ve ever caught an episode of the CBC TV show, “Hello Goodbye”, or found yourself waiting to greet someone you haven’t seen for years, or to say goodbye to a good friend you might not see for a long time, you know the depth of thought and emotion carried in those moments. They change us, and influence the journey we embark on, in lasting ways!

The people we spend time with and know best influence our character  and motivate us to act in certain ways. When Jesus said “goodbye” to eleven of his closest friends (Matthew 28) he chose his words carefully. His message to them would change their lives and affect ours for eternity: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… and remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

What would life be like if Jesus hadn’t left us with the assurance that we have a God who is “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”? A.W. Tozer, said, “What comes into our minds when we think of God, is the most important thing about us!”

How we picture God, makes a profound difference upon the way we live our lives! If God were only the Father but not the Son — you might know a mighty God, but would you know the One who was born among impoverished refugees and who showed tenderhearted compassion to the vulnerable, and valued women and children, in a culture that did not? Here’s a question: would you?

You might know the Holiness of God and the justice of God, but would you realize God’s eagerness to forgive the worst in each of us, and offer us the fullness of his grace? Here’s another question: Without Jesus’ example, would you be as eager to forgive, and be gracious to the difficult-to-live-with people you know?

You might know about the God who sculpted the mountains and carved out the oceans, but if it weren’t for Jesus, would you know the Good Shepherd who searches along life’s rocky cliffs and enters into the deepest valleys to find the lost and to invite you to know him? Here’s a thought: how willing would you be to extend yourself to reach out to someone in need?

Without knowing Jesus or the Holy Spirit, how would we know the deep joy and lasting peace, and overflowing hope that is held out to each one of us by this “three-in-one” God? And if it weren’t for our remembering and relying on the truth of his promise — “I am with you always” — would any one of us stand half a chance of making it through the darkest and hardest times in our own lives?