Markham Baptist Church

Can’t Wait, But Getting Ready

posted May 19, 2012

Can’t wait to get there! We’re getting our gear together and watching the weather forecast, hoping for a great day. The excitement has been building since we made the decision. We’re heading down to watch the Jays play the Mets at Rogers and it doesn’t really matter to me who wins. I’ve been a loyal Tigers fan, having grown up just the other side of the Detroit River. I’m looking forward to having fun with my family and getting together with friends. Watching the game up close and personal will be great, even if our seats are in the outfield.

One thing that’s added to the fun of it all is the anticipation, watching each other’s growing excitement, listening as, one after the other, we share stories about the last time we went to the ball park, the first time we went to a game, the time we decided we’d pay the fortune they were asking, just to have a Klondike bar, and then missing the two runs batted in as we paid the vendor.

It is hard to figure out why, come Sunday, more of us aren’t bahaving in a similar fashion. The growing excitement, the sense of anticipation, the telling of stories, looking back and leaning forward. Could it be that, while we’re looking after the usual business of the day we’re losing sight of the miracles in our path?

I like the rush that happens as we prepare for the game. Imagine if we experienced that same kind of adrenaline rush as we prepare for Sunday morning, or when we take in the moments, thinking about the One who thinks about us every moment of every day.

We may not lay out our Sunday clothes the night before, like we used to years ago, but maybe, just maybe, we could lay open our hearts in anticipation of what God will do with us as we lean into God’s love and grace for tomorrow.  I’m not there totally myself, don’t think I’m there yet, but I’m closer each day to seeing what I might have missed the day before.